Dance, besides being really good for your body, releases those endorphins that make you feel all is right in the world.
The more your cut loose, the more you shake it, the more likely you’ll get to bliss. And you want to get to bliss when you feel like dog s***.
The easiest is to dance in your living room or any other space where you can let go to your favorite playlist of beloved dance songs. And if you don’t have one, make one. Make several.
**My personal recommendations to include in your dance playlist songs that are dominated by percussion/drumming and/or didgeridoo. There is something cathartic about dancing to those instruments that is truly transformative.
If you live in an urban area or artsy town that has an Ecstatic Dance – also called 5 Rhythms or Soul Motion – I strongly recommend you start going on the regular. Ecstatic dance sets, if done right, are created to move energy and generate emotional release.
Another option is if there is a lot of live music – go out and dance in a crowd.
I’m not quick to recommend dance nightclubs because the darkness and the vibe often make me feel alienated and alone in a crowd. On the other hand, I’ve had some great dance offs in nightclubs. I guess it depends on what your jam is. If that works for you, go for it.
2. Hiking or Walking
What this really comes down to is get outside and move your body.